TAMU Datathon Challenge: Puzzle Solver
DescriptionFor this challenge, you will be given a scrambled image.
Your job is to write a program which can take this scrambled image, and return a string representing the ordering of the pieces that is required to unscramble this image.
Above is an example of a scrambled image, with purple numbers indicating where each puzzle piece should have been placed.
- 0 indicates the top left position
- 1 indicates the top right position
- 2 indicates the bottom left position
- 3 indicates the bottom right position
Using the above image, your program would be expected to return the string "3120".
We will provide you with a set of training images. They will be similar to the example above. All images will be 128x128 RGB pixels. All puzzles will be 2x2.
When we test your code, we will use many unique images that you do not have access to.
Code StructureWe have provided starter code for you to build off of. You can choose to use a completely different method if you would like, just make sure that the directory structure, filenames, class name, and function name and signature you submit is consistent with the structure detailed below (and in the starter code template).
Check out the starter code in the section below for a working example submission.
Starter Code#
Submission- When ready to submit, zip the src folder, and submit the zipped folder (named src.zip).
- src.zip should unzip to a folder called src. Do not directly zip just the contents of the src folder.
- Your submission should be of the following form:
ResourcesThis talks about unscrambling some real images (like shredded documents and double scrambled images). unscrambling images
This seems like some good information in figuring out pixel relationships. pixel relationships
This is some information about using neural networks for image classification, which could be a useful tool in trying to solve this problem. image classification
JudgingWe will judge your program across many images in our secret scrambled dataset. Only outputs that match exactly with the intended un-scramble order will be counted towards your submission.
Prizes1st Place: iPad (latest) per team member
2nd Place: AirPod Pros per team member
3rd Place: $100 Visa Gift card per team member